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Anchor Chart Ideas - Adverbs Part 1/2

Although I've created many anchor charts with my students over the years, I never knew an anchor chart was called an anchor chart until I started using Pinterest. If you've spent any time pinning, you know they are all over the place.

To tell you the truth, our anchor charts were a bit different from the ones you might have seen because I've never had a room of my own and wouldn't have had a place to store them. So, this is what would usually happen in my classroom:

  • I would write the topic/concept on the board (yes, on a board) 
  • As a group, I'd have the students come up with everything they knew (or thought they knew) about it. I'd try to subtly steer them in the right direction. We would discuss some points further. They would ask me questions and give examples to illustrate their ideas. At the same time, I would either be writing down the most relevant information OR having them come up to the board and add to the chart themselves. 
  • When we were done with it, I would have them take a picture of the "anchor chart" with their iPhones (yes, each of my students had their own cell phones!) to keep for future reference. 
The most important thing for me (besides making sure that the charts were created TOGETHER with students) was to think ahead and decide on WHICH DESIGN would work best for the topic I was going to introduce/review.

Let's say you were to create an adverbs anchor chart. You know there are things you want to include, e.g. a definition of adverbs, the different kinds, etc.

How are you going to organize all that?

Well, I guess that depends on what you want your students to retain.
If you were introducing the concept of adverbs, you could go for something like this:

Now, if you were introducing the different kinds of adverbs, you'd need something like this:

I have a few other adverbs anchor chart ideas I'd like to share, but this post just got too long.

Don't forget to check out Anchor Chart Ideas - Adverbs Part 2!



  1. Hey there Lucy!! Wow, Girlie I love (with a big ol' pink heart) your blog design!!! Seriously jealous. So beautiful.

    Deniece, This Little Piggy Reads

    1. Hi Deniece!!! You are the best, sweetest friend! Thank you for stopping by to check out my blog!!!

  2. Hi Lucy!! I bookmarked your blog since I haven't joined that bandwagon myself yet. I'm thinking I need to see about having one made though!! :) I would like to start blogging over the summer. Anyhow, it looks great!! :)

    1. Hi Karen!! I haven't been blogging for long, but I've been enjoying the ride so far :)
      I would love to see you blogging too!!
      Thanks for stopping by and for everything else!
