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Free Fall-Themed Parts of Speech Task Cards

If you've read my previous post about a pumpkin patch of adjectives anchor chart, you know fall is my favorite season. So here I am back again with more fall goodies.

Here's a FREE set of fall-themed parts of speech task cards for you:

 FREE Fall-themed Parts Of Speech Task Cards by Lucy S.
Click on the image above to download it from Dropbox

There are twelve task cards and each card has students identifying the underlined word in a sentence as a noun, a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. It comes in three options: full color, ink-friendly (just the illustration in color), and B&W.

Now, let me ask you a question. How many times have you thought about creating your own set of task cards, but you were not sure of how to go about designing them? I mean, you know the subject, have wonderful ideas, but would just need to get over the formatting issue. Of course, you love all the options the wonderful TpT sellers offer, but you'd like to create your own. With you in mind, I came up with an Editable Task Card Template that you can get for free. All you need to do is subscribe to my FREE newsletter.

 Free Here's an idea Newsletter Subscription
Click on the image to sign up!
The cards are:

- editable in Powerpoint: you'll be able to add your own questions and answers, but you won't be able to change the design of the cards. You can also layer clipart on top of them. TpT has wonderful artists and they even offer free sets if you'd like to try it out.

READ: A Selection of 20 free clipart sets: Fall, Pumpkins, Halloween, and Thanksgiving

- B&W: this is to help you save on ink. The cards have been designed to look great either printed on white paper or on colored paper. I strongly suggest printing on really colorful paper and using the colors to organize your sets. For example: you can create a set in two different levels of difficulty, either to scaffold or differentiate, and print each set on different colored papers; you can also print ELA cards in one color, and Math cards in another color, etc.

- for personal/classroom use ONLY.

The task card template is a FREE gift to new subscribers, but that's not all the newsletter is about.

Subscribers receive a new message every 2-4 weeks, and some special announcements in between. The emails include teaching tips, classroom ideas, exclusive promotions, early-release freebies and exclusive freebies. Hope you'll join me on my journey!

Thank you so much for reading and hope you'll enjoy the task cards!

Adjectives Interactive Anchor Chart: a pumpkin patch of adjectives and a FREEBIE

It's actually spring down here, but I love, love fall! I'm sure you'll excuse me if I crash into your autumn celebrations :)

You might have noticed that I love parts of speech and anchor charts so I've got a fall-themed adjectives anchor chart for you today.

It's a really fun one because it's interactive and you can have a different one every day just by changing out the post-its. You can also use it to play an adjectives game that your students will love.

I created a "base" for the chart with amazing clipart by Krista Wallden and Illumismart.

Now comes the fun part!

There are two ways to use this anchor chart.

1. The first way is more traditional, but with an interactive twist. You'd need post-its for this one.
Place a post-it with a noun on the pumpkin patch image and then have students write adjectives on other post-its to describe that noun. Next, they place the post-its on the pumpkins. You'd end up with something like this:

You can place a different noun on the pumpkin patch every day throughout the season. Challenge the students not to repeat the adjectives. That's a whole lot of adjective practice!

2. The second way to use this anchor chart is to turn it into a guessing game. Before class starts, the teacher places the six post-its with adjectives UNDER the pumpkin flaps so students can't see them. Place a noun on the pumpkin patch. The teacher tells students to write six adjectives to describe that noun (on their notebooks or on the answer recording sheet at the end of the post).

The goal is for students to guess as many of the adjectives the teacher used to describe that noun. When they're done writing, the teacher can then reveal the adjectives by lifting the flaps. The student(s) who got more adjectives right (=the ones the teacher used) wins this game. The teacher can also have kids work in pairs or small groups.

READ: Adjectives Anchor Chart - making your anchor charts look good!

If you'd like, you can have students writing on the FREE Pumpkin Patch Adjectives answer recording sheet I've created to go with this activity. If you're going to be playing this game a lot, you might want to make enough copies and insert the sheets into page protectors so you can use them again and again. If not, hand out as many copies as necessary. Click on the image below to download it from Dropbox.

 Pumpkin Patch Adjectives Answer Recording Sheet

Hope you have enjoyed this post and if you're looking for more adjective practice, check out the following resources on TpT:

 Adjectives Scoot - 32 task cards      Adejctives x Adverbs Scoot - 32 task cards

 Adjectives Adverbs SCOOT Bundle - 128 task cards

I'm linking up with the sweet Deb at Crafting Connections for Anchors Away Monday. Click on the image below to check out other great anchor chart ideas!

 Anchors Away Monday - linky party

Thanks for reading!