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Adjectives Anchor Chart Idea AND an easy way to make your anchor charts look good!

I don't know about you, but I wish I could draw and write as beautifully as some of the other teacher-bloggers do!

Anyway, for the purpose of teaching, there's nothing wrong with the way I (used to) draw in the classroom, but, you know, I'm here to share my ideas with you and I certainly don't want to hurt your eyes with my stick figures (nothing against stick figures!).

That is all to say that I've just "hacked" an anchor chart! How have I "hacked" an anchor chart?!
By using clipart and fonts! That way, the "bulk" of the anchor chart looks pretty!

I used the heading and the school clipart displayed in the picture above as the base for the adjectives anchor chart I will share with you today.

This one would be great for back-to-school (and for any other time of the year!) because it will let you assess your new group of students.

You'll be focusing on the knowledge of nouns and adjectives your students have (or should have). You might even throw in some alliteration as well.

Here are the steps:

1. Start with an anchor chart with just the heading and picture on it.

2. Have students come up to the anchor chart and write NOUNS that are related to the image (school). You'll be able to assess how much vocabulary they already have and how well they can spell. You should also be able to notice whether they really know what nouns are. Keep going until all students have added at least one word.

3. Next, have students come up with ADJECTIVES that can qualify/describe the nouns already on the chart. If you want to challenge them more (only if they can "take" it), you might want to work on alliteration as well. Thus, they would have to find adjectives beginning with the same letters as the nouns they're describing, e.g. big bus, colorful crayons, etc.

Here's what it should look like (your version will probably end up looking a lot "fuller"):

4. You might even turn this into a quick writing task by having them write sentences using the pairs on the chart.


- notice that I wrote the adjectives in red and the nouns in green to match the colors used in the heading. The idea is for students to quickly see what words are nouns or adjectives.

- you can create similar anchor charts throughout the year! All you need is to use different pictures at the center of the chart and you can expand it to include adverbs, articles, prepositions, etc.

- you can also assign this as homework and have kids create poster-like charts revolving around a given topic.

This idea could certainly be used in other languages. Here's the French version of the anchor chart:

READ at For French Immersion7 Pinterest boards for French teachers

As I mentioned, I used clipart and a cute font to prepare the "base" for the anchor chart. This can be done before class, but the rest has to be done in the classroom because it will depend on the active participation of your students.

The school image is included in My Community Buildings by Poppydreamz Digital Art and the free font is by This Little Piggy Reads.

Check out their awesome Teachers Pay Teachers stores and blog:

Poppydreamz Digital Art TpT store

This Little Piggy Reads TpT store

This Little Piggy Reads Blog

READ: Plural Nouns Anchor Chart Ideas Part 1

READ: Adverbs Anchor Chart Ideas Part 1

Thank you for reading and don't forget to let me know what you think of today's post!


  1. Terrific idea, Lucy! I especially like your idea to use different colors for nouns and adjectives. That will help students to keep them straight.

    1. Hey Carol, I'm glad you like it! Thanks!
      I love using colors and I sometimes need to refrain myself from using all of them at the same time :D

  2. Love this idea. I'm not good at lettering or drawing, such a great way to make an anchor chart look nice for us non-artsy people.

    1. If I had found out about clip art and cute fonts years ago, my teaching life would have been so much easier… and prettier!
      Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. Guilty confession with anchor charts: I know you're supposed to make it with your kids and on the fly- but I can't stand it when they are all messy. I want them to be all streamlined and pretty. I do give them away at the end of the year though- so it's not like I hoard them- but I don't make them like I should. Your idea is better.
    The Meek Moose
